
Corporate (S)lacky

I've been promoted at work. I am OFFICIALLY someone's lacky. Corporate lacky. (Did I mention I can't blog from my desk for a while?) I had a migrane by 4pm- what I call "corporate headache"- but I think they're giving me a raise...

I was running out of the office at 6:30 tonight. I missed yoga. K must be mad, too, cuz she hasn't returned my "Sorry-I-couldn't-jump-the-corporate-ship-in-time-to-meet-you-at-yoga" call.

By 7:30 I was in a chocolate-induced high. The best kind. I then made my favorite childhood meal. It's very cheap. Try it. Mix one box of (cooked) macaronni and cheese, a can of peas and a can of tuna. Enjoy. Repeat.

I should probably also mention that we now have TV in our home. D and I had been thinking about an antenna for a while, but it was D's boyfriend who actually got it done. (I've added that to the very short list of reasons to keep a man around-- my favorite being, to carry heavy shit). Thank you, D's boyfriend. Thank you for ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX.

Without D's bf, I would not be able to veg on my couch as successfully, as totally and as completely as I did this evening. I would have continued to be left out of the pop trivia that everyone else knows. And, as you know, pop trivia is all they talk about around the water cooler in Corporateville. Er, Migrane Central.

I'm so glad tomorrow I'll be able to make witty comments like, "Paula must've gotten back on the sauce," (a hunch) and "Simon is now a tone-deaf softie," (true) and "Damn, Kelly Rippa DISAPPEARS on the TV screen!" (like, eeew).

I feel like DistrictSiren. They're going to break me, people. It's 11pm and I'm going to bed...!!!


O-FACE said...

Welcome to corporate whoredom. I have two female friends who work the corporate gigs, and always make fun of prostitutes. I wanna tell them the truth, that we're all doing tricks in some way but I don't wanna piss them off because their kind of attractive. But yeah, congratulations and welcome to the 35 percent tax percentile, where all your hard work goes to someone else name SAM.

Anonymous said...

Be careful! The further up you climb on the corporate ladder, the quantity of Republicans will increase.

And we know how you feel about 'them'.

Anonymous said...

Hooray! Awesome job Roar! I'm totally jazzed for you and your money.

Your next step should be getting a trophy husband ..... I'm available....

Since you have a TV, you will be watching tonight's episode of Veronica Mars on UPN right?

Roar Savage said...

O- SAT riddle: My job is to corporate life what a crack whore is to the tricking industry.

Riss- Thanks.

Bland- Fo' serious. Though I'm not that high up yet...

Rich- No UPN. Just the channels I mentioned. But yes, I'm taking apps for trophy guys.

Anonymous said...

Yum, the mac-n-cheese. My dad used to add hotdogs to ours. I started developing a 'grown up mac' which is mac with diced roma tomatoes and chives. YUM! SO GOOD!!!

About Paula, yeah, I only watched it for a bit last night and she was toasty.

Marci said...

Hey, you should be able to get UPN and WB...I don't have cable. Just rabbit ears ontop of the tele. And I get the extra two ;)

I'm just sayin'. So,when are we getting together for corporate drinks?

Anonymous said...

I hope you get a big raise (sounds like you will be drinking more..or at least buying more Advil).

Yeah, for the TV! Now all you need is cable. baby steps... :-)

Roar Savage said...

Mappy- Diced tomato and chive? Hmmm....

Marci- Drinks. Pronto!

Chase- I'm just hoping they start paying for my parking. $50 a week is STEEP!

Daddy- Ah, the ever-illusive album. I'll keep you posted. (blogger joke).