
I'm Not Dead

Or lost in College Park
...but I am having internet connectivity issues.

Not to worry, I've still been up to the same old hijinks:
Dancing on tables
Salsa-ing with anyone worthy
Eating Salmon (though slightly less...)

I miss you guys. If I have to sit in Starbucks (again) I will.

More later.


HomeImprovementNinja said...

I don't see anything wrong with sitting in Starbucks if you're going to use their WiFi connection. Just think of it as your way of stickin' it to da' man.

Marci said...

Doesn't Starbucks charge for the uplink, though?

Glad you are not lost in College Park...

Anonymous said...

Ninja has a point!

O-FACE said...

Hey, you wanna sort through all this and get back to us.