

Anonymous said...

It's interesting to be seeing your eyes through such a narrow window, as the eyes themselves are the windows to the soul.

Bereft of your expression, we wonder...is she sad? Thoughtful? Coquettish? Playful? Pensive? All of these things? None?

I like to think the mystery is just one more layer that shall continue to bedevil and bedazzle the world in the way that you do so well. :)

Sharkbait said...

new header perhaps? :-)

Heather B. said...

I need to send you those pictures from the other night.

I keep getting requests to bring my roommate places, because, ya know, she's kind of hot.

Anonymous said...

i agree with sharkie

Roar Savage said...

Hehe, you guys are cute, thanks.

I was trying to "publish" this pic somewhere because, yes, I think it would be either a good header or avatar. Blogger is giving me problems with that, though.


O-FACE said...

Great Header....very hot...

You kind of got that whole
Giada De Laurentiis thing going on......Lets do some pasta chicas...