
Daddy Savage

Daddy Savage was in town on business last night. It was a pleasant evening. My Father and I have our *ish, but I have to give him his props. (Credit where credit is due kind of thing).
  • He was the youngest and most handsome Dad in my elementary school. (New Yorkers wait 'til their 30's to have puppies and Dad was 26 when I was born). Bubba won't ever know him like that.

  • Dad was nicknamed 'Daddy Savage' by my sorority sisters on my 21st birthday. He stayed at the bar with us, paying for shots and playing bouncer while I took my 21. Girls wrote in my shotbook that night: "Daddy Savage is HOT!"

  • He's cooler than I am. Dad bought me my first Death Cab for Cutie CD this Christmas. I had never heard of them. We'll both be going to the concerts when they come to our respective cities.

Dad's Quote of the Evening:
"Why don't you wear more turtlenecks?"

...He may be cool, but he's still a Dad, ya know?


I-66 said...

haha.. my father wore turtlenecks often.

I own them but rarely wear them.

Anonymous said...

Was he trying to get you to cover up your hickies? Those are disgusting! You should be ashamed.

My girlfriends always talked about how cute my dad was too. He never gave any fashion advice though. Except when he forced me to get my haircut for graduation (Grrrr)

Anyway, give us a picture of this handsome devil, so that we may judge for ourselves.

Roar Savage said...

No hickies. I think this might have been a cold weather or boob-related request.

I feel like DaddySavage would not want his pic on a blog that I refuse to give him the url to.

...maybe I'll put something up later, hehe.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like your dad is as cool as his daughter.

Marci said...

OMG I can't imagine! I've never drank with my parents before (other than an occasional glass of wine on Thanksgiving or something). Eeep. In high school I did get a glimpse of my Dad's cool-factor outside of the family and man that was an eye-opener. But how cool is it that you have such a relaxed relationship with him?!

I-66 said...

holy expletive!

what are you doing with your blog?!

Roar Savage said...

Growing pains, 66. Growing pains...
I'd say my blog is the equivalent of a 13yo boy on estrogen. Yikes!

Roar Savage said...

Daddy- That's exactly what I'm saying. Blog is confused about how to, uhm, orient itself.

You are so right about that night. Stepmom said he called her at one point and it went something like this:
DaddySavage: Hello. Darling. There is a 20 yo scratching my back right now.
StepMom: O yeah? Is that nice?
DS: Yes. Yes, it is.
SM: Well, enjoy honey. Talk to you tomorrow.


Shit. Probably shouldn't put his pic up now. Or... does that make DaddySavage seem more like a pimp?

Roar Savage said...

Chase- Thank you, honey!

Marci- "Relaxed" is one word for it. It's actually just a weird relationship for us both. Never would have planned it that way, but it was nice to have him there that night.

Roar Savage said...

VK- You can always comment, on anything. I haven't heard "Transatlantacism" yet. I'm still very addicted to "Plans." I know you're a fan though. I'll make that my next DC4C purchase.

Anonymous said...

Did you ever ask your Daddy for a Pony?

Heather B. said...

Dude, you're totally inspiring me today.
Let's just say that my father couldn't wait until I was old enough to drink and this weekend we drank together like no other.

Roar Savage said...

Dookey was my obsession in 7th grade.

And yea for drinking with Dads!

Roar Savage said...

You WERE there, and DEF more coherent than I was. So I'll take your word for it. LOL.

Tyler said...

My dad was and still is the envy of many of the girls that I know. I just hope to be like him when I am older.

He doesn't go out drinking with us, but my mom loves to party. She once came out in Adams Morgan and was way more popular than I was...

Hmm... :\ what does that say about me?

Roar Savage said...

I know, Ty. Dad's coolness makes me wonder about myself, too. LOL.

Then again, the man has taken up Golf in his old age.