"I'm just appalled!" the voice on the radio shouted this morning.
"Was it the song itself, or was it cuz it was by the Dixie Chicks?"
"I would hate anything by them," the caller told the DJ. "But I hated this in specific."
Most people called in criticizing the Dixie Chicks' politics, and not their music. "It's like Larry the Cable Guy said," the DJ later commented. "Sometimes that girl doesn't know when to shut her mouth."
I can't help thinking how stupid these people are, criticizing these musicians for criticizing their own government. Clearly, they haven't seen "V for Vendetta." I saw it last night.
At Whole Foods afterwards, I fell into conversation with the Fish Guys while picking up my favorite. The man holding my filet turned to his buddy: "Ever notice how when they say Grey Sole in the movies, it means somebody got shot?" I told the guys I had just seen a kind of violent movie, and didn't need to be further freaked out.
"O yeah?" they turned to me. "Heard of it. How was it?"
"My friend didn't like it, but I'm not sure she got it. It was about each person's responsibility to stand up, you know? Like, fight the fuckin' man!"
I think there was a tear in the Fish Guy's eye when he handed me my grey sole.
I know K would have found the movie less boring had she heard 98.7 this morning. If she could understand the collective ear-plugging that is going on in so much of this country. Even Congress is in on it, as my League of Women Voters list serv reminded me this past week. It was a short email. It read: "Remind our representatives in Congress that each of their voices are powerful." Maybe if the members of Congress could do their jobs with Vendetta masks, no longer scared of losing their political lives, they would be less fearful of doing what is right.
In K's defense, she rarely hangs with a less than cosmopolitan crowd. Had I not stopped my surfing to hear one of my favorite Winona Judd songs, I might not have heard the McCarthy broadcast either. But I did.
Concluding nothing live was worth listening to, I flipped on my Death Cab for Cutie CD, while rolling along the Key Bridge. I looked up just in time to see War protestors on Key's Red side. Their signs read: "War Kills Children. Bring Our Troops Home." One huge sign had a picture of a dead baby in the arms of a woman in a burkah.
I'm appalled too, caller. Appalled.
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I reaaaaaaalllly want to see that movie, but I can't find anyone who wants to see it with me and I don't go to the movies by myself (because I'm not a psychopath).
It's a movie about libertarian anarchists...and it's got Natalie Portman. It's gotta be good. You throw in some lesbians and Jackie Chan and it's automatically the best movie ever made. (Citizen Kane might remain the critics top pick because it was made before Jackie Chan was born and before lesbians were invented).
That's it. I'm going to see that movie tonight.
Interesting, I'll have to look up what they said this time...
We were supposed to see that movie Friday night, but drank way too much Guiness to try and focus! Can't wait to see it.
Hmmm. Interesting post.
Let me clarify, Larry the Cable guy said she should shut her mouth because she was stupid for criticizing the republican government to a republican group (i.e. rednecks).
He said something like, It's like going to a trailer park and yelling, "Walmart sucks."
I am glad you clarified what V is for Vendetta is about because I was totally confused.
As far as going to he movie by yourself, HIN, I go all the time alone! Why wouldn't you? It's not like you can (should) talk in the theatre anyway. Try it.
I'm gonna see it.. maybe tonight.
HIN- LOL. I'm also going to echo Chase. I love me some alone movie time. But then, I'm the warm fuzzy kind of psychopath.
VK- Consider 'em "known'ed"
Heather- Yea!
Mappy- I have a feeling V for Vendetta would not have been good without all of your mental faculties. I'm actually considering seeing it again...
'Riss- Isn't she lovely?
Mr. Bland- Thanks. Sticking up for Larry, huh?
Chase- Before yesterday, I had no idea either. Thought I'd hate the stupid action flick. Wrong, so wrong. So... have you explained more about your hiatus on your site???
Lil JS- Honey. I paid the dues, so I must be delisional too... but is it wrong to ask that our reps stand up for their beliefs- whatever they are- like they were elected to do??
Rich- Run, don't walk.
'Mous- Interesting, thanks. I'm reading it over a stew of pasta and frozen veggies, lol. Thanks for the entertainment.
I wanna see ICE AGE! Totally off topic. I know. But, cute furry creatures is better than death.
To Roar and Chase:
I dunno. There's two things (besides sex) that I don't like to do alone. One is go to the movies and the other is drink.
I think if I drink alone that makes me an alcoholic, which is why I always turn the TV on when I hit the bourbon. If my "Friends" like Ross and Rachel are around, that makes it kinda' okay, right?
I'm still not convinced about the movies though. Maybe it's different for girls. I don't think anything wrong when I see a girl at the movies by herself, but when I see a guy sitting alone I think "now there's a guy who's never felt unconditional love...maybe he's a psycho."
Get over yourselves. Movies are great alone.
If you like, the movie, Miss Savage, you should treat yourself to the book. It's absolutely INCREDIBLE. It's been one of my favorites since I was in seventh grade, and hasn't gotten old yet.
You know what they say...great minds think alike, but the best minds think uniquely. ;)
Awesome post there yourself.
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