

I crave this once a month. I can't help it. The Fish Filet is awesome.
Mmmmm... delicious Tartar Sauce!


I-66 said...


Just stay away from the white meat nuggets.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me, but I believe that's "Filet o' fish"

(authentic Irish/Scottish cuisine as only MacDonalds can prepare properly)

Heather B. said...

Roar! We're kindered spirits!
That is the reason for my 'Arch' Nemesis.

Roar Savage said...

BTW- I think they aired the blog piece this morning. My roomie called this afternoon to tell me I was famous. "???"
"They were talking about blogs this morning when I was at the gym."
"O, so you saw Nicole?"
"No. But supposedly there's a convention coming up or something. And then they scrolled down and there was a picture of you on some black guy's blog."
Hehe. I think that must've been you, 66.

Roar Savage said...

Rich- Puh-leez. Don't correct an Irish person on Irishness ok?

VA'n- LJS makes me nervous. I can't even explain why. But those popcorn shrimp seem... otherworldly. *Heebie-Jeebies*

HB- Kindred indeed. And down-a$$ chicks if I do say so myself.

I-66 said...

...you're kidding me, no?

Anonymous said...

Let's just hope that 100% Natural Fish! ha ha

Roar Savage said...

hehe. No kidding. I don't even want to KNOW what's in those patties. But if you told me crack, I wouldn't be suprised, lol.

KassyK said...

OH wow--I have been addicted to those things since I was a little. It is a miracle that I do not weigh 1000 lbs. I LOVE ME SOME FISH FILET!! Even though the thought of it is disgusting and I am somewhat of a foodie...there is definately a narcotic in that sauce.