
I have a new toy : )

If looking for one yourself, might I suggest the Powerbook G4?
Yes, I'm a mac person. Get over it.


I-66 said...

your new toy and me have different schedules ;)

Anonymous said...

i hate you

Roar Savage said...

hehe. Alas, darling, I think that's just you and I. *tear*

I-66 said...

pft, there was earlier in the day, yesno?

Anonymous said...

Where do you get this "money" and where can I get some too?

Roar Savage said...

kemph- you tease! I thought for a second that you were back in town...

66- Am I dense? WTF is ptf?

Rich- I thought sure an IT guy would make fun of me. This is not my money. *I wish!* It was my graduation present late and my birthday present early. ...From the 'rents, of course.

I-66 said...

pft = onomatopoeia, sound of dismay/disagreement

Roar Savage said...

Yes, dear, there was earlier in the day. But I was DOing stuff earlier in the day. Sorry you're disgruntled.

I-66 said...

I'm not :)

Marci said...

i-66 just wanted another reason to type out onomatopoeia, I think that is his favorite word.

I need to get me a computer. Jealous. Even if I am not familiar with Mac.

Heather B. said...

I am now ridiculously jealous. I'm still using my Vaio from freshman year. God!

KassyK said...

I am so excited...I'm getting my new toy this week too!! I am finally joining the world and getting a computer.

I-66 said...

Don't hate, Banana... Appreciate.

HomeImprovementNinja said...

I am not-so-secretly jealous. Tell me how you like it. My iMac just died on me and I am debating whether to $5-600 to get the logic board replaced or just pay $1000-1300 for the laptop. Any thoughts?

Roar Savage said...

Glad I can inspire so much green today. It's my favorite color. Matches my eyes. ; )

Ninja- My motherboard was f-ed up too, that's why I got this new machine. Just didn't seem all that practical to save something that was rapidly becoming more and more out-dated. It's so nice to be working on something faster.

Nicole said...

Which does remind me, it's finally March, which means it's birthday month. Which also means, that you'll probably have to forgo your Lenten sacrifice for that as well...

I-66 said...

Oh. Jealousy.

For a moment there I was thinking green = money... and there's only really one way to "inspire" that.

Roar Savage said...

Nic- I love your enthusiasm. But my bday is next month. Unless you meant someone else. But I know it's not you, you hot Libra you!

66- How do you "inspire" money? I'm dying to know. Perhaps if I did, I'd get the YER/EOYB references a little quicker, lol.

I-66 said...

how about if I tell you that Y and E are Year and End in both instances?

Roar Savage said...

I know, I know. I already got it. I was just sayin'... the delay might not have happened...hehe.

I-66 said...


Cheerfully withdrawn.

Nicole said...

What month is it again? Crap. I've been writing April on everything all day. Bygones.

Marci said...

Nic - Don't you dare make it April already. I vill keel you.

Roar Savage said...

Marce: Your bday coming up too? Or are you worried about tax time?

Marci said...

No, I'm a Leo (and would be fired up about the bithday, not dreading it!) I just can't believe it's March already. It just turned 2006 for crisssakes.

I-66 said...

sorry, Platanita... March needs to move along quickly - at least to the midway point.

12 days left.

12 days.

alwswrite said...

I bought the 15-inch last spring. LOVE.

O-FACE said...

This is some bulls**t