
Kicking & Screaming: But Tired of Plebian

I'm bored at my day job. That's why I can spend so much time on the blog. I suspect I'm not alone, because my sitemeter tells me I'm read more during the 9-5 on weekdays. Our jobs, dear readers, don't fulfill us.

For a while there, the two low-level job thing was fun. Especially this past Summer, after graduation. For those few months I actually had 2 restaurant jobs and the temp job. That's right: I was living in a Frat house and holding down 3 jobs, and I thought it was Oh-So-Cool.

Until I started dating. (Ah, the ever-present mirror for ourselves).

Frantically trying to find a place to live in the District, the guy I was seeing at the time (whose day job was in real estate) suggested I apply for low-income housing. The poor Moroccan man had no idea his suggestion would trip one of my bourgeois nerves. "Because I can't spend more than $700 a month you think I'm po-or?!?"

And my plebianism has kept coming up ever since.

So why DO you have two jobs?
Because I can't really afford to live on the one.

So what do you really want to do with your life?
I want to be a rockstar.

And most recently (not even a question):
Just go back to school.
I don't think they'd take me.

So, I'm tired of being plebian. And, worse, I'm not challenged by either of my jobs. Clearly, I've been a little misguided since graduation: I thought Not committing to one full-time job would leave me more free, flexible time. It doesn't. It keeps me working to pay the bills.

...At least I eventually got there on my own...


I-66 said...

Hrm... methinks this sounds familiar.

Almost like I've experienced a conversation like this before...

Noooo... couldn't be :)

HomeImprovementNinja said...

Lots of people have weird class issues. My favorite commercial is the one with the old rich white guy who says something like "it's my way of sticking it to the man" and his assistant says "but sir, you are the man".

Most of my family is in construction, so even though I make good money as a lawyer I won't hire people to fix things around my place because I subconciously believe that you are not a real man if you can't work a compound mitre saw.

Roar Savage said...

VK- Uh, thanks. LOL.

HIN- TOTALLY know what you mean, and I think I'm experiencing it from both sides. There's the feeling plebian and hating it. But there's also the dealing with other post-graduation friends who grew up with maids. Their day-to-day dealings with life are, uhm, different than mine.

66- Of course it does, darling. You are my conscience and I sweat you. hehe. Either that, or we talked about it already...

Roar Savage said...

VK- You will never, EVER have a child with red hair. Get a freakin' paternity test, will ya??

I-66 said...

Roary, I think it's a combination of the two.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the jobs.....what can we do? I've been more and more depressed about it since coming back from my trip over the holidays. Two jobs - man...that's rough. I am going to try and go back to school full time. I feel justified in being a broke student rather than a broke employed person. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

At least you have the integrity to keep working. I tried several times in the far off past to take a second job, only to quit out of pride and laziness.

You could always move to a slummy but safe neighborhood. That's what I did. Now all the other white people are moving in and I have the cheapest lease of all of them.

On the other hand the 'real' answer is of course to sell out and join the ranks of the landed aristocracy, like Marci has. Ask her how she managed that.

Roar Savage said...

VA- It pisses me off, too. But not as much as it pisses off my cousin who's moving up here from Oklahoma to live with me. Talk about the land of cheap rent...

66- I think you're right.

MappyB- Yeah. Broke Student has a better ring to it.

Rich- WTF is the "landed aristocracy" and how does one join?

Marci said...

Oh I get it now Roar...I own my condo. I don't rent.

Plus I just heard they are tearing down the "transitional" 'hood across the street so it will be full-fledged yupperville. Hello property value!

But owning was the only way I could justify dropping a grand plus significant change on a place to live. Rent from the man at that price? Oh hell no!

Anonymous said...

See Roar, Marci is a member of the upper class by virtue of her home ownership. She can look down on all us common folk who pay rent to people like her. She probably has a bunch of servants tied to her estate as well, I hear she works them to death. Someday the revolution will come though.... someday.

I-66 said...

...wait, Marci. What 'hood?

KassyK said...

I feel you. I've posted about similar things so you know I'm in the same boat except I've been out of college for hmm 6 years now...AH!!! :-) Just remember...we at least arent in NYC where my friends spend 1500 (and thats a good deal) a month to live in a shoebox the size of my bathroom. And yes I pay a grand for my studio in DC, but I gotta say...its a nice place. All utilities and everything and pretty big...considering...Lol.

Anonymous said...

I actually work multiple jobs. I have a regular day job, plus two freelance writing contracts, and any short-term contracts I can score.

Part of it is just the immense costs of living in this area. But it's also because I refuse to allow myself to be chained to any one force that controls my destiny. If I lose my day job, my freelance income can sustain me until I find something else. If I lose my freelance gigs, I can keep going on the ones I've got until a new one pops up.

You should be proud of yourself for doing all you can to stay above water, and not getting dragged down into the murk with so many other people. Success takes work, much as we wish otherwise.

I don't think you're a plebian at all. I think you're someone who wants to work hard and be successful, and is frustrated because our crap economy is totally unbalanced. Low wages and high living costs--it is, sadly, what is for dinner.


Roar Savage said...

Daddy- "blow up." You, as always, know wassup.

Kassy- Maybe this is a UMD thing?

Boz- **Warm Fuzzies**