
Nice idea...

...(and though I appreciate the sentiment) how's about I save my $40 and buy the Hanes version, in the mean time correcting anyone that should call it a "Wifebeater."

Read about it HERE.


I-66 said...

I can say honestly that I've never worn nor owned one of those.

I-66 said...

apropos of nothing... NBC's showing the piece tomorrow.

Roar Savage said...

@ 4pm??? Are you TiVo-ing for us???

I-66 said...

I'm having TiVo issues.. but I'll set the VCR.

Roar Savage said...

You just don't want everyone over at your place, hehe.

I-66 said...

Like everyone's coming all the way out to watch it at 4pm? I'll have it on tape for everyone's viewing pleasure, sheesh :oÞ

Roar Savage said...

I meant at your place at any time, silly. LOL.

I-66 said...

I can house a small group -- just not the whole blogosphere :)

Anonymous said...

You could also buy a plain one and scrawl the same message across the boobs in black crayon everytime you wear it.

I had some right when I got out of high school. The were cool, at the time.

Roar Savage said...

VK- NOT dignifying that with a response.

Rich- When you got out of HS: so, like, when Nixon was in office? hehe. I kid, I kid! Mwah, Mr. History!

Anonymous said...

I hadn't even been born the last time Nixon was in office.

Lucky for him too, I would have ripped him a new one.

Anonymous said...

A good sentiment indeed. I don't know about striking the word from our language, but anything that raises awareness of domestic violence has to help diminish it.

In a mostly unrelated (but similarly political) vein, a TG friend of my has created a set of "Transwarnings" t-shirts that no Crying Game extra with a sense of humor should be without.