
Pharoh's Doesn't Exist

I tried Connecticut Ave, Across the street from the Four Provinces, but clearly, it was not there like I originally imagined.

So I called information (411). They said it was Wisconsin and M St. #3222.

For the record, there is no 3222 M St. Just as, when I was connected to "Pharoh's" on M, I got a busy signal.

The meetup, I must then conclude, is a myth. Pharoh's doesn't exist.


HomeImprovementNinja said...

Too bad you missed it. It was nice.

I'm surprised that you didn't know where it was. It is RIGHT across the street from Habana Village.

Sharkbait said...

Awww Roar!!!

You get an 'A' for effort my dear.

Roar Savage said...

Ninj- It's been a loong time since I've gotten so lost in this city. It was a highly cosmically confusing evening. Total disconnect.

Sharkie- Thank you! : )

Anonymous said...


Aw, man, that is effed up. You shoulda called me. Then again, I had to leave early myself.

Pharoah's is in Adams Morgan, on Columbia Road, as Ninja said. And whichever "information" idiot told you it was on Wisconsin and M should be fired.

Anonymous said...

That last one was me. $%^ing Blogger. ;)

Roar Savage said...


I thought you said you weren't even going to be there. Now I'm even more pissed. Here I was thinking I was doing some brave thing, going to this thing where I'd know no one, and really, I just missed a sublime opportunity to chill with one of the cooler ppl out there... shucks.

Anonymous said...

Cosmic catastrophe.

See, I wasn't, but then I got the set times for the concert I was going to attend that night, and I actually hit the blogger meetup briefly before going to the show. ;)

This, naturally, behooves me to take you out for a drink to celebrate your "liberation" from your former employers. :) We really should hang out more. :)