
Skinny Bitches

I'm only gonna write it once.

I was in line in front of two very skinny, very short, very preppy girls (who looked like they study at the beauty school near my office) at Chipotle last week. After I ordered my Burrito Bol con todo, I couldn't help but hear these girls' order: "Just one veggie soft taco please," they said in the highest-pitched, most annoying voices imaginable. I wanted to snap them like the twigs they were.

Wasn't it Mo'Nique, in the Queens of Comedy (no, I never saw it) that said, "Skinny bitches are *not* to be trusted."

Well I have my own version of that same rule: I don't trust bitches that are skinnier than me.

I understand that this is arbitrary and slightly judgmental: but the rule is not without its exceptions. Many of my very bestest girlfriends are stick thin. They've proven themselves (trust-)worthy and, therefore, have been granted their personal dispensations.

I understand this rule is subjective: my own weight has fluctuated since High School, as my Jr. Formal dress would attest (if I hadn't gotten rid of it). But just as I tend to feel taller than I am, in my head my body looks and feels the same. So yeah. Other women have the wiggle room between my own actual and self-percieved "skinniness."

But back to the point:
Like I said: I get it. Some women are naturally skeletal-skinny. Some women like raw veggies. Some women have mono.

It's not that I think they're evil.
...OK, that's a lie. I do think they're evil. How can you naturally have a lack of upper-arm fat? How does one naturally have a tummy that's concave? Or hip bones that protrude?

No. These women are denying themselves and it makes my skin crawl to look at them. I know they want a sandwich, they know they want a sandwich, everyone that can see them knows that their willpower has, somehow, busted a fuse and created a Nazi eating-regime in their head allowing their wrists to quietly get more and more brittle.

I don't trust these women because if they'll do that to themselves, Lord Jesus, what will they do to others???


HomeImprovementNinja said...

i had a lot more respect for you before I realized you were predjudiced against anorexics.

you'll probably respond with something like "but some of my best friends are anorexics". But I'm not buying it. Your words speak louder than your other words.

you know, in some cultures people who fast before a religious holiday are considered holy. doesn't fasting year round make them holier than thou...or thee?

KassyK said...

AH-I hear you...I am aware that I am thin but by NO MEANS skeletal...and I have a group of about 5 best friends from college that are TEEENY. I am talking 95 lbs and 5'2 teeny....4 of them are naturally that way and have always been...they look good and not ill but the other one...I try to shove a sandwich in her face every few days...nothing works. Hm.

Anonymous said...

doesn't fasting year round make them holier than thou...or thee?

It might make you holier, but it most definitely makes you dead.


Marci said...

In other news, I got a spam email from (your)Real Name with the subject line "lithe".

This confused me because you had just posted this BUT it came into my work email and we've never emailed thru work. That was a hard one for my little brain to decipher.

O-FACE said...

See nobody believes, this will be in a future post, but I do have a theory about skinny chicas. My theory is that where ever you find a Popeyes you'll find solid, voluptous (not fat-think J-Lo)group of women in the surrounding neighbor hood. I've noticed thru scientific research and marketing data offered by Popeyes that women are becoming thicker and heavier when they physically live close to a Popeyes. I think this expansion by the franchise is the main culprit behind the national phenomenom of women having asses that typical in past normally didn't.

Anonymous said...

Well you saw me chow that footlong sub right along with you this weekend, didn't ya? ;-) I'm one of those annoying ultra-fast metabolism chicks that annoys the hell out of people. Trust me, when it slows, I'll blow up like a blimp!

Anonymous said...

Really skinny girls do not annoy me, UNLESS they are depriving themselves because they think they HAVE to be skinny in order to be attractive. Or if they make fun of overweight people. I cannot stand people making fun of other people.

Anonymous said...

One of my 'skinny' (denying herself) friends used to say that anyone who wasn't thin was just a lazy slob. She has now had three children and given up smoking and I am extremely pleased to say is overweight. I'm what I like to call 'average'.

Anonymous said...

Roar, dear.. why a Burrito Bol? Were you trying to avoid the extra carbs?

Roar Savage said...


RC said...

i'd much rather have what you ate.

--RC of strangeculture.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Choose an identity.

The facts are these:

- Standard pie
- Bread model
- Sacrifone

Anonymous said...

Hey you ignorant bitch, you have no reason to dislike skinny people. I'm skinny and you know what? I'm not anorexic, i probably eat more than you do. I have a very high metabolism and i burn more calories faster than most people do, does that make me anorexic? No I eat 4-5 times a day. You are just jealous and can't stand to see people different from you, grow up you piece of shit!

Anonymous said...

No reason to dislike skinny people? They haven't exactly been very nice to plump people in the media. I think that's pretty good reason. Yeah, there's people with high metabolisms. I'm pretty sure she has no beef against you and instead you chose to receive it as an insult to you. However you get you kicks.

Justice said...

Has it ever occured to you that they used to be fat but went on a diet to get skinny and do not want to lose all their hard work so they are watching what they eat? Look at this point, most naturally born skinny ppl have a great metablism and eat like a horse without gaining an ounce.

Anonymous said...

I am totally with you. Skinny women aren't for me. I love juggling, big belly. love big women, their overall curves uhmmm
I learned that here in US, just get used to it at first, then love it.