
Punk Roar

Evidently, "There's no such thing as not punk enough."

Still, I was told it would be a good idea to pick up the Best Of's "The Pixies" and "The Clash."

Cue the makeover montage...


Roar Savage said...

LOL. At this point, I think I'm *def* Poser Punk. No argument necessary.

Jeff Simmermon said...

You should check out some local stuff like Bad Brains, Fugazi, Nation of Ulysses, Minor Threat...

I-66 said...

Poser Punk, son of Poser Mobile.

The Clash?

This indecision's buggin me
Indecision me molesta
If you don't want me set me free
Si no me quieres librame...

Roar Savage said...

JS- K. Black Cat?

66- Oooh, Papi! Amo el espanol.

I-66 said...

Exactly who I'm supposed to be
Digame! Quien tengo ser?
Don't you know which clothes even fit me
Sabes que ropa me queda

That song is genius -- and it doesn't even use any of the dirty words ;)

Heather B. said...

Let me know how it goes with the Clash, I've always wanted to "try" them, but have yet to do so.

El Guapo in DC said...

I'm a bit triste that I was invited into this conversation in Espanol.

El Guapo

I-66 said...

solo hay dos personas quienes son hablando espaƱol

El Guapo in DC said...

I'm even more triste that I can't f-ing figure out how to put accents on words. I-66, why do you have to be such a show off?

El Guapo

Roar Savage said...

Heather- I'll share my CD with you. Soon, I hope.

VA- You should have heard this band at the U Turn this Saturday. I thought Rap held the torch for "Nasty." Guess I was wrong.

Guapo- Darling. Te amo, tambien.

66- Quienes??

I-66 said...

It's the only one I can do, Guapo. I don't know the alt codes for accentos and otro punctuation.

Anonymous said...

I can send you basically everything the clash or the pixies ever did right now, over IM. I can also point out the good stuff.

Joe Strummer was my hero, if you want to out punk them I can send you his later solo stuff as well (It's even better than the stuff he did when he was with the clash)

Jeff Simmermon said...

Not sure if I understand the "Black Cat?" question...


These two links should help you along the way...

Roar Savage said...

Guapo- Notice he didn't share the secret on how to *do* the tilde...

Rich- Muchas Gracias! I would appreciate that.

JS- I meant: You can see the bands you speak of at the black cat, or elsewhere? Thanks for the UTube links...

Jeff Simmermon said...

Ah. Maybe you could have, but not anymore. These guys are well into their middle-age now, if they are still alive. All the bands are broken up. Iggy and the Stooges still play out, but it's rare and expensive...

There's really nothing going on in contemporary punk rock.

Anonymous said...

JS, Fugazi still plays shows, Dischord records is still around, Ian MacKaye always has like a billion side projects happening.

I-66 said...

notice you didn't ask ;)

Roar Savage said...

'Riss- I couldn't cut my hair. Not after it's taken this long to grow. But I was thinking about dying it black and putting blonde highlights in the middle. Then K gave it to me straight: They call that the skunk look and she DOESN'T approve. So I'm thinking about one of those chain metal belts.