
Kicking & Screaming: And Hit Over the Head

I had just a week prior given job #2 my notice when DistrictSiren came over to teach me how to make a budget. We opened an excel sheet on my old iBook, keyed numbers into boxes and... found out why I'm broke.
"If you get job #1 to give you a $2/hr raise, you'd only be $300/month in the hole."


A week later, my Supervisor at job #1 (and long-time college friend), AB, announced she was leaving to go be a missionary in Azerbaijan at the beginning of April. The shock was not that she was going, but that she was leaving a month early. Even more importantly, she informed me that with her vacancy, my Permanent Temp status followed.


If you noticed I was blogging less last week, it was because I was stalking the WaPo classifieds. And CraigsList. And Monster. I talked myself into moving to New York. Then I talked myself out of it.

**My first thought was not the financial difficulty of NYC, but instead the network of close friends (whom I prize) that I'd be leaving behind. DC has Ashley, Denise, Kara, Koryn, Maggie, Margot and Nicole to thank, lol.**

Oh yeah, and I'm still at job #2. They never wanted me to leave anyway, so I "gave in" after my DistrictSiren pow-wow.


O-FACE said...

I'm still jealous about the laptop. Royally p'd off.

I-66 said...

People go to Azerbaijan? I mean, voluntarily? Who knew?

Heather B. said...

A girl who knows the true meaning of "in the hole". It's always nice to know that I'm not alone.

I-66 said...

[raising my hand] I know what "in the hole means"

What do you mean we're talking about money?

Roar Savage said...

You guys crack me up.

Is it just me, or does 66 seem slightly freakier than how he first comes off?

Heather, as I already told you, I am in these trenches right next to you.

I-66 said...

I dunno... is it? ;)

Roar Savage said...

I meant freaky in the 'freaky-deaky' sense, not the 'eew, weird' sense.

Roar Savage said...

I love you, Daddy.