
Announcing: The Countdown to VD

K suggested that I write a post about how much Valentine's Day sucks. A natural go-getter, I'm gonna do one better.

Welcome to the week-long Valentine's Day Countdown, aka,
Why Dating In DC
(or anywhere) Sucks.

I figure I have LOTS of material. And notice the appropriate title? It's what dating inevitably gives scads of unsuspecting schmoes each year, anyway.

So check back with me this week to let my tales of how cupid has fucked up entertain (or scare) you til Tuesday.


I-66 said...

No, dammit, I want a post about venerial disease!

...ok not really.

roosh said...

good god

Roar Savage said...

Chill out. It'll be fun. I promise.

Nicole said...

I thought the same thing too when I read countdown to VD. It's what I get for working in a doctor's office, and next door to ob/gyn's office...therefore, I could really be the one to give you entertaining stories about venereal diseases if you'd like.

Roar Savage said...

That was the whole joke,lol. Play on words. I HATE stories of the real VD. So sad... But Valtrex wants you to know that your life is not over just because you contract...

Anonymous said...

"I told him I think my wife has V.D. he gave himself a shot of penicillin."

Roar Savage said...


Ever hear the Dr/headache/boob joke? Along the same lines...