
Countdown to VD: Dan Savage, my Sense

(Thoughts for the weekend)

Speaking of casual sex:

In one of my favorite books, Dan Savage's "Savage Love" a man wrote in:
"I know there is passion out there, but what prevents them (straight women) from acting upon it?...In fact, the entire gay communiity seems more relaxed about sex! Why can't straight women be more like gay men?"

After calling many straight men "slimy shits," Dan explains to the writer "...straight women might be more like gay men if straight sex was more like gay sex."

He explains: "To be penetrated is to assume most of the risk, not just of pregnancy and disease, but the psychic risk as well. Letting another person in your body is sometimes as big a mind-fuck as it is a body-fuck, and not something everyone can be casual about."

In case you didn't know, Savage continues: "When a guy goes to bed with a guy, penetration is never assumed. It has to be agreed to, and very often, isn't even on the menu. And, unlike most breeder sex, both the participants in gay sex have most likely been penetrated themselves, so both understand why someone might not want to for some reason, and are willing to 'settle' for hand jobs or head instead."

Right on, Dan!

(I personally think the Advice-Seeker lived in the Washington Metro Area. Just sayin'.)

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