
Life Without Health Insurance/Happy New Year!

...It's a slippery slope. I was mad at my Dad for changing jobs and "forgetting" to include me on his next health plan, leaving my graduated ass out in the cold... but that's been several months now.

Seven, in fact, since I finally broke out of CP and the sorority house I loved for almost as many years as I was a member. Seven months-- and now, here in 2006, I wonder if I'm much further than I was in August.

...And it's not just the Health Insurance. It's my car's tags: Still Maryland. It's my driver's license: Still Oklahoma. It's the fact that I can't, for the life of me, ever remember to write my rent check in time to make the mail, and if I do, I still can't remember or find my rental company's address. So, for the past several months, I've had to drop the check off in person. Worse, it's that this year, for the first time, I'll have to do my taxes myself and I'm CLUELESS.

My laziness could, seen from one angle, be a bucking of bureaucracy, in all it's red-tape, paper forms.

And, not to whine, but: It's not completely my fault. My busy life of permanent-temp-ing each day and several nights a week in the service industry don't leave much time for paperwork. Besides, deductibles, premiums, MVA's and rent checks make me nervous. And the taxes-- that's the worst! I get near my 1040 and I begin to feel as though I'm going to jail for some reason that I'll only figure out AFTER I've been made Emira's bitch.

...But this girl has never been a victim of circumstance (for long). New Year's Resolution #281: To take care of all things "Paperwork" in a timely (and immediate) manner.

I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you really have 280 other resolutions? People said I was obsessive compulsive for my mere 106...